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All juices are made by hand and passed through a Cold-Press juice system. They are never pasteurised or high pressure processed and are therefore packed with AntiOxidants and Micro-Nutrients.
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Our brand new production unit based in Mission Kitchen at New Convent Garden Market enables us to procure the best tasting, freshest local produce directly from finest of suppliers next door. We process all ingredients in small batches before passing the mix through our industrial state of art cold press machine extracting the most nutritionally high great tasting juice every single press. We run quality control and take great care every step of the way. Because no extra heat (Pasteurisation) or pressure (HPP) is used in our process, absolutely no nutrients are lost. Our blends are completely raw which makes them filled with naturally occurring prebiotic and probiotic organisms which are beneficial for us. Combine this with the fact that we only use organic, plant based ingredients which will improve bodily functions while tasting delicious and come in environmentally friendly packaging, We have a winner!
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- To reset any bad eating habits - Kick start a healthy weight loss regime - Maintain optimal gut health - Help improve sleep patterns - Increase energy levels - Improve skin quality and complexion - No additives or preservatives are added to our juices - Absolutely sugar-free - 100% natural raw ingredients - Cold-pressed daily in our premises
Ingredients: Swiss chard, Pink Lady Apples , Lime, Asparagas, Basil, Kale, Ginger, Kiwi. BLENDED WITH ORGANIC PREMIUM WHEATGRASS JUICE.
Wheatgrass and Swiss Chard are loaded with nutrients and disease fighting anti-oxidants such as Zeaxanthin, Choline, Kaempferol, Rutin and Vitexin which has proven anti-inflammatory properties and can help combat cancer.
Asparagus is low in calories while being high in folate and high in nutrients such as Vitamin A, C and K.
Ginger is an effective antidote in reducing nausea, menstrual cramps and inhibits certain bacterial growth.
Basil has compounds that can help elevate anxiety and depression.
Ingredients: Carrot, Pumpkin, Lemongrass, Turmeric, Pineapple, Mango, Grapefruit, Melon. BLENDED WITH PREMIUM BAOBAB EXTRACT.
Turmeric and Lemongrass have anti fungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help cope with cold, flu and rheumatoid arthritis. Curcumin can be a robust anti-oxidant preventing and managing heart disease.
Grapefruit, Pumpkin and Melon are high in Vitamin K, B6 and A which are considered to be one of the markers for overall good health.
Vitamin C has proven results in regulating collagen which maintains the integrity of the extracellular matrix of the skin preventing wrinkles from forming also can brighten and reduce skin pigmentation.
Ingredients: Pomegranate, Fig, Blueberries ,Blackberries, Beetroot, Oregano, Grapes, Pear. BLENDED WITH PREMIUM ORGANIC MACA EXTRACT.
Pomegranate are loaded with important nutrients that have powerful medicinal properties. It improves cholesterol profile and protects LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage.
Berries are full of antioxidants which has many proven health benefits. Figs rich in Copper and B6 can promote healthy digestion.
Oregano a great antibacterial agent which fight against viral infections.